澳门足彩app’s 规划与设计协作 has worked with the community and multiple stakeholders to reimagine and redevelop Mayport’s core waterfront area into a vibrant, 多功能村.


Revitalizing Mayport: A Sustainable Approach to 水front Development

Discover how 澳门足彩app’s 规划与设计协作 is transforming Mayport, 佛罗里达的海岸线变成了一个真实而充满活力的多功能村庄.


佛罗里达州的梅波特(Mayport)是位于圣. 杰克逊维尔以东约25英里处的约翰斯河. 它有着丰富的历史,一些历史学家将其追溯到1562年, 当法国探险家让·里博到达时, 而另一些人则指出大约在1830年, 当第一个St. 约翰的灯塔竖立起来了.

Suffice it to say that its roots are deeply intertwined with the maritime industry. Fishing and, since World War II, the presence of Naval Station Mayport form its economic base.

最近, the City of Jacksonville engaged 澳门足彩app’s 规划与设计协作 to create a two-phased approach for developing seven acres of city-owned property along the St. 约翰河.

Built on 澳门足彩app’s legacy of certainty as a technically strong design-builder, the 规划与设计协作 thoughtfully integrates its in-house team of planners, 架构师, 景观建筑师, engineers and visualization specialists to create visionary plans that transform neighborhoods into sustainable environments.


在这种情况下, the goal is to redevelop Mayport’s core waterfront area into a vibrant, 多功能村 comprising three uniquely defined districts: 教育, 历史及工作海旁. 克里斯弗拉格,建筑和工程集团运营负责人, has been working with the community and city advisors over the past few years to redevelop the beautiful shrimping village, lending the project his expertise in landscape architecture and design.

Flagg took some time to answer a few questions about the Mayport Village.


它成为了它应得的目的地. 当你看到向历史致敬的机会, 享受海滨工作的日子, 它更像是一种不会过度的个性化尺度. We don’t want to create a Disney, something that goes against its authenticity. Mayport in its function is so authentic to north 佛罗里达 because of its shrimping and fishing industry. It's gritty, it’s service-oriented and it’s quaint all in the same sentence.

Mayport的重建设计有多少是美学vs. 实用性?

梅波特既有实际需要,也有审美需求. The community is very aware of scale and does not want anything over two stories high. 我们看看费尔南迪纳这样的沿海城市, Tarpon Springs and Mystic Seaport in Connecticut to gain architectural inspiration for what we can do in Mayport that fulfills its needs and pleases its community. Mayport is a gem that deserves to be developed smartly and that doesn’t over-commercialize its location. Our goal is for it to develop as organically and authentically as possible.

How much does community support play into achieving this redevelopment?

它的一切. 社区必须支持它. 梅波特的人口结构正在发生变化. The old Mayport didn’t want to see change or the influx of the tourist dollar. 他们不希望自己的历史被扼杀. 但是人口结构也在发生变化, 多年来,这种看法第一次发生了变化. The human infrastructure is in place to carry out that vision, and it’s cool to be a part of that.

我在梅波特看到了这种勤奋的文化, there is so much history and so many lessons to be learned as far as ocean ecology, 气候变化, 海平面上升. So, can we have reverence for the past but also look to future generations to understand what’s going on in our oceans and the industry?

There is so much to the community about how they live and how they work that deserves to be preserved and respected through this redevelopment.


我们目前正处于计划阶段, 我们想制定一个发展指导方针,然后说, “如果你要建造, 不可能超过两层楼, 它会有树冠和低地, 海岸风格的建筑.” Someone will have to step up and say they want to develop it in that way. 但他们正在制定行动计划, 这可能还需要数年时间, 已经过去好几年了, 但我们现在比以前更接近了.

What would you say this project means for 澳门足彩app and the 规划与设计协作?

It has been my 30-year relationship with the community of Mayport that led to their decision to choose us to work with them on this vision. Our 规划与设计协作 exists to immerse itself in communities like this to plan smartly. 在弗雷德·琼斯的领导下, 我们的设计总监, 还有我在这里的经历, we are trying to create a foundation to make 澳门足彩app a full-service company from planning to construction. 这将是哈斯克尔的一大荣耀, and to have the company associated with this historical small town where people from all over come to visit is a big accomplishment for our team.

From cities and campuses to transportation networks and the natural environment, 我们的规划和设计协作计划, 设计和实现以人为本的解决方案. 联系团队 讨论你的希望和需要.

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, 内部设计, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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